Having an anorexic pet would be really bad. It would make the Animal Rights Authority think that you are manhandling your dog because it is malnourished. They may think that you are not feeding your pet the right food and was the reason it is malnourished. Worse part is, a celebrity has-been like Bobby Brown or Dennis Rodman may want to cash in on this event. He may say that he is an animal activist to get his career going back. To prevent any of this nightmarish situations happening here are some ways to cure your pet who is anorexic.

  • Anorexic treatments can be supportive or specific.
  • Specific treatments are treatments that immediately deal with the cause of loss of appetite by slowing the disease down or completely eliminating it. Specific treatments need to have lots of diagnosis to be able to make sure what the proper way to solve the problem is. 
  • Supportive treatments do not help solve the problem of loss of appetite; it only helps the animal through its difficult times during the illness. An example of supportive treatments is to prevent further dehydration. 
  • Supportive treatments are useful in the four following cases.
    • Sustain the animal while treatment is still taking effect
    • Sustain the animal while the animal is still waiting for diagnostic results.
    • When the illness is not that severe
    • Humane or financial conditions make the treatment quite difficult.
  • Commonly used supportive treatments are the following:
    • Injectable fluids – loss of appetite can also cause dehydration which can be more dangerous than starvation. To prevent the animal from being dehydrated fluids are given intravenously or subcutaneously as it also provides electrolytes and nutrients. These fluids are just to prevent dehydration and are not meant to be considered as a full balanced meal.
    • Special solutions that contain multiple nutrients such as amino acids, electrolytes, lipids and sugars are given intravenously. These solutions are more balanced than injectable fluids. Using special solutions ahs the risk of causing more infections, higher cost, not that easy to find especially in emergencies because they are not available easily, and it might be a waste because not all the nutrients is needed by the animal.
    • When the animals are really not eating and produce seriously bad results, inserting a feeding tube is the best option. These tube passes through the nose, throat and stomach.
    • Drugs that stimulate the appetite can be used but with caution as they can cause the animal to be groggy.
dog's nose

By being able to treat the disease of your pet immediately through the following ways, you will definitely prolong its lifespan and the both of you will enjoy more time together. You can also eventually feed the lousy food that your in-laws have cooked to your pet again too.