Your dog is as sensitive as you are when it comes to health. Your dog might even be more sensitive than you. That’s why if you have heard of a human’s medicine cabinet, there’s also one for dogs. Here is what your dog’s medicine cabinet should look like.

1. Hydrogen Peroxide – it is used mostly to clean wounds. This can also be used to prevent vomiting when your dog has eaten foreign objects, toxins, spoiled food or drugs. Do check with your veterinarian first because it may not be best to induce the vomiting. To help administer the liquid use an oral dose syringe or a turkey baster. Your pet won’t drink Hydrogen Peroxide on its own so you will need this tool. Check the expiration date because it won’t be effective when expired.

hydrogen peroxide

2. Diphenhydramine – This is also more commonly known as Benadryll. This is an antihistamine that is used to help a dog with itching and allergy problems. This also calms the itchiness, hives or facial swelling when a dog has been vaccinated, has insect bites or bee sting. Check with your vet because the dose is based on your dog’s weight.

Diphenhydramine pills

3. Pepto-Bismol/Kaopectate – this helps a dog problem with indigestion and stomach or intestinal problems. However this contains salicylates, so dogs that are sensitive to aspirin should be given Kaopectate to make it work. If the vomiting continues for more than 24 hours ask help with the vet.

pepto bismol

4. Triple Antibiotic Ointment – great to use for superficial wounds such as scratches and cuts. This will work better where you can put it on a place where the dog can’t lick the wound. If the wound is deep especially if it is dirty or bleeding (resulted from bleeding) it would be best to get a vet’s help.

triple antibiotic ointment

5. Alcohol – used to help a dog with ear infections. You can use the combination of an alcohol solution and vinegar to help dry up recurring ear infections. When the ear has any wound, inflamed or infected the alcohol should not be used. This will only damage the tissue because it burns. When the dog is experiencing heat stroke applying alcohol to the dog’s feet can provide cooling relief.

6. Tapes and Bandages – this is no joke, but an old sock and an electrical tape will do when an emergency arises and you don’t have any tape and bandage. The tape will pressure the wound that is covered by the gauze.

medicine pills

7. Pill gun, Pill Splitter or Oral Dose Syringe – a pill gun is a device that has a long plastic tube with a plunger to make an uncooperative dog take his pill. This helps you preventing to put your fingers in the dog’s mouth and make sure you still have 10 fingers. The oral dose syringe is for liquid medications to be given more accurately. The pill splitter helps you cut large tablets that need to be in smaller doses.

pill splitter