The scratching of a pet is only normal if it is not taken to the extremes. It becomes extreme when pruritus is involved. Pruritus is the sensation of the pet that makes it feel itchy and makes him have an unpleasant feeling that makes him scratch and bite himself. Pruritus is caused by the stimulation of the nerves and chemical reactions that occur in the skin and makes the brain think the body is itchy. Here are some conditions or diseases that cause pruritus.

Allergic Skin Diseases:

  • Flea allergy causes the pet to scratch his back that leads to lesion in his belly, legs and rump when the pet scratches too much. It will only take one flea to make the pet have an itchy experience. Fleas are so small that the presence of fleas on your pet’s body can be minimal or absent.
  • Reaction to airborne allergens such as dust mites, pollens, house dust is called Atopy. Atopy makes you pet scratch his or her face and ears and also make the dog chew or lick his feet more. When pollen and mold levels increase in the summer, the condition worsens.
  • You should also watch what your pet eats, they may be allergic to some food and have the same problems caused by atopy.
  • Less common allergies on pets are insect bites or insect allergy. Lesions will be present in areas where insects like mosquitoes will bite, such as ears or bridge of nose.
  • A rare type of allergy for a pet is a contact allergy. It often occurs when an irritant touches the skin of the pet that is often the belly or the chest.

Parasitic Skin Diseases:

  • Scabies is caused by sarcoptic mange mites that cause intense puritic skin condition. Lesions will then be present on the ears, ankles and elbows.
  • Young pets usually experience demodectic mange that is caused by demodex mites. This disease is not pruritic but causes hair loss and dermatitis. Even thought his disease is not pruritic, it will cause secondary infection of the skin called pyoderma that will be itchy.
  • Even though pets are not allergic to fleas, they will also experience pruritus but the effect is not that severe.
  • Small insects called lice can cause pruritus. Lice can be seen by the naked eye.
  • Itching in the ears of pets is caused by ear mites. These ear mites can spread and cause itching to other parts of the body.
  • Cheyletiellia mites cause cheyletiellosis which is an itchy skin condition that causes lesions on the pet’s back. These mites are called walking dandruff mites because they look like white, moving small specks that can be seen by the eye.
dog itching

Try to prevent any of this allergies happening to your dog. If any allergies occur and worsen immediately go to your veterinarian to prevent it from getting worse.